Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jane Austen!

Dear Pita,

Quick! Cover your eyes!!! Not really...

It has been brought to my attention that the reason I may be doing badly in school in because I have A.D.D.


Hold on now, you know how there are those hypochondriacs who when they have a small rash on their arm they automatically think it's something terrible like measles or shingles and then you find out that it's just a rug burn from when they tripped over their own feet because they thought they were pigeon-toed and tried to walk with their feet pointed outward...So now they must have an aneurysm because they can't think straight.

It's like that. I mean, sure, I do get distracted easily, but that doesn't mean...Hey! What's that?! Haha, I'm just kidding...But seriously, what is that?

Back to the point, it doesn't mean that I do in fact have A.D.D. And if I did, it also doesn't mean that it would offend me if someone referred to it as a problem or a disability, because it IS. I'm not saying that people who have it are disabled or problems, I'm just saying that in my case it would be true.

I hope I haven't violated what I gave up for Lent, have I? (Not criticizing myself so harshly, for those who don't know.)

But, Pita...Dear dear Pita, I find myself wondering what it is that people really think about me. Are they just being nice to me because I'm so shy? They don't want to hurt my feelings? Do people secretly look down on me because I'm not as smart or talented as them? Am I really just a third-wheel?...

I still love all my friends very much, even if all this is true. They are still my friends, and I cherish them deeply.

Ah, but for some reason talking to my pumpkin cheesecake ice cream (I mean...Kris...) and Facebooking makes me feel better about lots of things.

I've also decided to maybe start a blog about reading Jane Austen novels (GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP!!! How dost thou?) And it will either be really fun or SUPER BORING, but I promise you that I will update it everyday with what I read...The only problem now is what book to start with...Any suggestions?

Yes yes, but anyways, I guess life is alright for now, just a lot of waiting...But I can wait, patience is a virtue after all. Now I want to go eat some cereal...With raisins.

My God, I do have A.D.D.

Until later...Happy College,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Dear Pita,

Such a fun word!

Don't you love playlists? Rather, songs that explain exactly the way you feel, whether it's at a moment in time, or a certain way of how you look at life, or maybe even just how you look at a person...I realized today that I could easily make a playlist of my life, either with the mood of songs, or the lyrics themselves. It is quite an adventure, I must say. Though I shall leave the songs to be unnamed, all I can say is that it consists of a plethora of many genres of music, everything from classical to rock and back, but no country here folks.

I have also realized an uninteresting fact today. If you close out of Microsoft Word, it asks if you want to save a document. However, Notepad decides not to be as courteous. It's just like, "(slap) Yeah, b1tch, you closed out of the program. It's your own fault." My my Notepad, such a dirty mouth...and it leet speak, no less. Try being like your brother, even though you are easier to use for HTML coding.

I lied, Notepad only doesn't care if you cut what your typed out of the document instead of copy pasta. Yay for fun facts!

Anyways, I went a whole day without my phone (I KNOW!! RIGHT?!?!?!) and it was terrible as heck! Not only was it a Monday, (yes the kind of Monday in which people know that their week is going to be crappy for 7 hours a day and even then it won't get better until the next holiday) but I had a lot of homework due that, frankly, I did finish most of it, but really, I just didn't want to do anything that day, and the turning in of homework proceeds to tell the teacher that you have done work and now want to move on to the next lesson (I could write a run-on sentence? Yes, yes I did). In my case, this is entirely untrue for every and all assignments that I turn in ever since I was in 7th grade. Homework to me is useless, I learn a lot more in a classroom setting when someone is shoving information into my brain, with one finger plugged into my ear so that it doesn't seep out of my head while I'm daydreaming...I do miss Kris terribly...

But teachers try their best, and you can't blame them for that...and they do it for terrible pay..Somebody loves yooooou! Gahyuur!! Ah, excuse me..

Oh yes! We are having a play this week called "Dancing at Lughnasa" (That's Loo-nay-sah, and everyone is Irish! Except for Mr. Alex Lemonier) and it is quite funny/sad/musical/silly/wonderful and you must experience it, Pita. Please come see it Saturday if you can. I think it's like, 5 dollars of course, or is it 8? Who knows, but it is worth it. you will love it, I'm sure.

Ah! I bet you're wondering what I'm doing up so late at night again, eh? Oh? You weren't...yeah, I'm not surprised either. Anyways, I realize, for one thing, that I realize a lot of things that are either really pointless or things that I'm just slow to pick up on. Moving on, I realized that I not only do a lot of thinking at night, but this thinking could go on for an hour or two, and this blog actually helps me keep my thoughts organized and written down so that I don't have to think about it very much. It is quite wonderful! Ah, though I did wake up quite late this morning, but I can assure you I will break this terrible sleeping habit of mine (Sleeping until the last possible second when I have to get up, and then I'm late..) I trust you sleep fine at college, myes? I should hope so. After all, you have a lot less worries and drama than I do, you lucky dog you. I can't wait for the day when my life is virtually care-free, and of course by that I mean it's not like I can't ever care about anything, just no stress...Not even eustress (B@st@rd, trying to make me thinks it's a good thing, but it's still stress! Graaaaagh!) Piano also helps me not think too much about stuff, because I can always play a song that fits my mood instead of thinking about it.

Oho! A breakthrough! I have just tied up all my thoughts with music! How organized and intelligent I feel. Huzzah! I feel like I should have a party or something, though Dad used all of the heavy whipping cream, so I can't make cream puffs..Grrr...Maybe another time, dear sister. Happy College!

Until next time (hopefully not as late),

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crazy Ladies!

Dear Pita,

"Crazy Ladies! Late night snackin'..." I just felt it appropriate to refer to such a quote on such an entry as this...Ah, moving on.

I am up quite late doing homework that I just remembered was due tomorrow, or so I think, but I can't afford to procrastinate, so I am only left to assume. You know what happens when you assume...

I kid, but you know what I mean. I hate this "not having my phone" thing because of grades, even though I guess I deserve it, but it's really not Kris's fault that my grades are low. Some is in part to the teachers, who in their own laziness have no updated my grades. The other is in part that I myself am a procrastinator and sometimes I just...don't want to do my homework. I know it's terrible and it won't help me at all in the long run, as I need to build up a good work ethic in order to actually get a REAL MAN JOB, since I am a man of course..(The manliest man you will ever know!!!!!) Not really, I just like pretending to be manly. It's like some sort of achievement I be called manly.

I'm sorry I'm getting off subject. Anyway, so, though I obviously do not have enough time to read a whole book in one day, at least not one off that fancy shmancy pantaloons reading list, so I have been reduced to SparkNotes. Personally, I would have used SparkNotes anyway, though it is pretty silly of me, as I should be intelligent enough to actually read a book...Alas, this is the prime of my laziness and procrastination.

So, after opening many tabs of SparkNotes with the necessary information, I came across the other wonderful half of SparkNotes...The distracting side. I read lots of guides and articles, everything from relationships to naming fictional characters. And now, here I am, nearly the next day and I still have yet to get started. I don't even have a visual aid!! How terrible. The Willie is going to kill me, now I hope you understand that.

What a terrible Sunday, and I thought yesterday was bad. It is raining here, I don't know if you know that, or if it's raining over there. Mojo (to people who may or may not be reading this, he is our Jack Russell, named after Mojo Jojo <3 ) is shivering next to me in my small double bed. He's also panting like heck, I don't know why, but I just hope the rain lets up. Poor thing won't be able to sleep very much if he's so nervous, getting his dog hair all over me. I don't mind it though, since it gives me something to cuddle other that Mr. Fluffernuffer, my enormous stuffed rabbit...and it will tide me over until I can talk to Kris again.

Oh! This paragraph in itself is a special edit, as I did not realize that you had written back! What a delight indeed, I do believe my day is brighter now (no pun intended). I thank you for your wonderful advice in love, and I must say that you would be a great writer at SparkNotes. In answer to your concern, since you already kind of call me "Mon" I would only suggest that you would call her by her given name. Or you can call me "sibling" or "Mr. President" (ah, why do I amuse myself?) But no matter what you call her, she will always be your roommate, and I, your sister, and we shall both have the most amazing and recently overused name my opinion. I have yet to meet her, but from what I've seen she is beautiful, sweet, and talented! I can't wait to have a super special awesome party of some sort that she could come to.

I apologize for the length, but I hope you have a great week back at school! I'll write later.


P.S. I hate to prod you with my Grammar Police instincts, but, my dear Pita, you have spelled "pursuit" incorrectly within your title. I just wanted to inform you. Carry on!

Pursiuts of Happiness

My dearest MonStar,
I shake you firmly by the hand for accomplishing three things that I have still to figure out.

1) You changed the layout. How in the bloody...?! You are a wizard.

2) You took the initiative and kick-started this blog again. I've kept journals for a while, chronicling my life and the pre-pubescent woes that came with it, but they never really went anywhere after a few entries here and there. Perhaps my biggest accomplishment was when I bit the bullet and wrote an entry for every day in the month of June in 2007. After that, there was a slump in my writing, almost coming to a complete stop.
However, the whole experience of writing a journal is so you can get used to writing, mastering the craft and developing your own style. Some do have certain gifts when it comes to composing words on a page. The wit of journalism, the creativity of fiction, the intelligence of non-fiction, and the superb dedication of reference and papers...all have a place in this world, and I'm glad there are those who are unafraid to expose their work and grow thick skin when criticism rears its head.

3) You are committed to and maintaining a long-distance relationship. I will not tell you the woes that came with my own experience, but let's just say that communication is very important in a relationship. It's not just about the boyfriend or the girlfriend relationships...families, friends, colleagues, mentors and professors are all part of your social network. The main thing that keeps these people tied to you is the fact that you enjoy their company, you rely on each other, and you communicate effectively.
This leads me to something you said in your last entry.

"I realize more and more how I keep seeing things that say stuff like, 'True love exists' and 'Happily Ever After is waiting for yoooooou!!' and it almost makes me sick."

You remember what The Princess and the Frog taught us. The idea can only take you so far., The rest results from work and determination. Happily ever after can be achieved when one perseveres and wants it to work. Communication, compromise, and understanding for one another help to build a sturdy foundation and improve the quality of the relationship. While we are currently happy, The Bear needs to work on verbal communication and I need to learn how to listen more often.

Now onto the College Life updates. You may vaguely remember me mentioning The Roomate last semester. Well, I'm sad to say that she now commutes due to barely being in the dorm we shared. I now have a new roomate, but I'm a loss of what to call her. You two share the same name (abet spelled differently) and her dorm attendance outnumbers The Roomate's by bodacious amounts. Have you any suggestions?

Aside from the cabin fever I experience at home, I would say that things are peachy. Then I remember how we used to name that one creepy boy from junior high "The Peach," resulting the positive use of "peachy" to be moot.

I await the day you get your license.

Until we write again,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Too Many Groups!

Dear Pita,

As most people know, there are these things called "groups" on Facebook, or just things that you can become a fan of...and I am CRAZY of course and have become a fan or joined groups that give everyone a little taste of just how crazy I am. I must have at least 30+ things I've become a fan of...But that is slightly irrelevant to the rest of my day.

I got up, ate 4 egg rolls, 3 Fig Newtons, a bowl of bran cereal with raisins, and Snapple (and a partridge in a pear treeeeeee!) the decrepit old man that I am...and then laid around watching movies. You know all of this, of course, because you were here, but alas, attached to your computer as always. I still love you though.

Today seemed a bit different though, I know it is a Saturday, for the most part, though not unlike any other Saturday that has come and gone before, but I swear that today feels like a Sunday. And not even a good Sunday, like that kind of Sunday that brings on the worst Monday you've ever had. Thank God tomorrow isn't a Monday...But alas, you are getting ready for bed, which means I know it's not a Sunday. That's also good because I still have some homework to go over.

Alas, I realize more and more how I keep seeing things that say stuff like, "True love exists" and "Happily Ever After is waiting for yoooooou!!" and it almost makes me sick. Ah! Not in the kind of way like a sarcastic-meets-completely-unfathomably-disgusted kind of sick, but, it makes me miss my beautiful chocolate man, Kris, even more. You've met him, he is a fine catch, I'm sure. I sometimes wonder myself how I even got a hold of him, though he seems to say the same to me. Maybe he's playing boyish mind games with me, as most all "pond scum" I know, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. He is a fine gentlemen. Oh! And his mother had her baby!! His name is Cameron, and I do hope that Kris will warm up to him more. He just keeps telling me how weird it feels to hold a baby. Haha, he better get used to it.

On another note, I should probably get back into playing my DS, especially POKEMON: EMERALD!!!!! It's so lonely and down by the side of my bed that I don't know whether to sigh at it every time I walk by or avoid eye contact as I'm sure it's glaring at me with evil intent...As it is right now!!! I, being the dork that you know I am, had named it Aleexu (Ah-lee-zoo) and given it a human persona, personality, and friends to play with, such as my cell phone (Digi) and laptop (Pan). I hope it's not creepy that all these characters are girls, as most ALL my characters are anyways. Maybe that just means that I am not only decrepit, but a lecherous old man at that, and still in high school!! What a thought. Oh deary me, Aleexu as somehow found her way to the edge of my bed, though I swore she was just right next to it...Don't worry, Pita, I'll be alright whilst you sleep. I'll always have my super Pokemon team though, hehe, and by that I mean my Pokemon cards. I should come up with names for them...All I can say is Torchic FTW!

I don't know whether you read these..Oh! Also, I mean you have to, but we have come in to a bit of pocket money as of late, so I have been browsing many a site to find useless things i could waste my new found moneys on. I know how you hate that, since you are the only one with a debit card and I insist on ordering things with it. It's not enough to buy a Nendoroid, though, so don't worry about those weird gaming sites I order stuff from. I may just get nifty arm warmers from Hot Topic, as it is on of my favorite stores in the whole world!

Happy College Time!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That's It!

Dear Pita,

That's it!! I am going to get this sad excuse for a journal off the ground once and for all, even if I have to write about absolutely nothing at all...though since you seem to not write in it very much, maybe I shall rename this sad sad blog and just have me ranting to you about the silly things that happen everyday in life. Whether or not you decide to read it is entirely up to you, but we shall still remain utterly/mostly/slightly anonymous and random to the rest of the world.

I suppose you could say my change of mind is due to the fact that we had watched Julie & Julia a couple of days ago. Of course we had established this journal a while before the movie was even made, I think...but I do have a terrible memory...You shouldn't believe anything I say, Pita, you are more reliable with those sorts of things. Anyways, I actually went and started reading her blog, Julie's I mean, and she wrote a LOT, like, everything ever that happened. The way she described poaching eggs and creme brulee ...mmmmmmmmmm!! It makes me want to bake more than ever! However, I'm not very good at it...I can just make cheese danish and stuffed french toast...and that one time I made banana brownies...

Don't ask..

But alas, dear sibling, I have found that I need to let someone in the world know that I exist, for I am invisible, and invisible people need to be seen, if even for a moment. Though I may not be a great writer, I will try my very best. Oh please wish me luck, dear Pita.

Today has been a lazy Wednesday, not only "Hump Day", but also the day after Mardi Gras, so the world is finally winding down from it's drunken late night parties and beer drenched bead throwing. I still remember that night...It was quite terrible. That was a while ago, of course! And you have brought me home a completely alcohol free penguin with which to cuddle, and I love you for it. He is quite adorable...And last night whilst you were sleeping I made up a new character for which I have no purpose other than that he/ has no gender, but is quite manly indeedy do) was made to be a certain personification of time I suppose. I will have to post pictures sometime. I believe I will give this blog many a purpose, as to hold comics of sorts and possibly character profiles. But mostly just my thoughts, to you. I hope that you enjoy them! And I will try as much as humanly possible not to use emoticons, as I feel that I may learn to use words more effectively to express emotion more than just a cute smiley face...

Not matter how fun they are to use..heheh..

Ah! I must work on my satellite project for The Nunez (my physics teacher, as you know, but however few readers we have may not know), but I hope you have a great rest of your Mardi Gras holiday! I almost forgot! I need to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time in my whole life...

How sad..

Farwell, but we shall meet again!
