Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Curiouser And Curiouser!

Dear Pita,

My goodness! This week is just getting curiouser and curiouser. Today started off just like any other day, me getting ready ahead of time (Yes, this has become regular now...) and then just sitting around, forgetting to pack my lunch that I've already packed. I got to school and lo and behold it was St. Patrick's Day! But alas, I already knew that. Oh yeah, I borrows one of your dresses because I didn't do my laundry. I hope you don't mind...

Anyways, everyone was wearing green and then an announcement comes over the intercom that there are coins hidden around the school and if you find one then bring it to some teacher lady and get candy (Run-on sentence?). The girls in my first hour were wondering what they looked like and proceeded to bring it up in a conversation. Just as the were thinking of where the coins might be, I stood up and walked over to a table on the far side of the room, picked up a small plastic coin and said, "It might look like this." They all gasped and scurried about, looking for more coins. I felt kinda bad because I found 4 more before they could, but I let them have the other coins.

Ms. Jeansonne later let us take a field trip to that teacher lady's room to get our candy.

Some parts of my day were normal, other than people commenting on your dress (Which pretty much every girl wanted, haha..). In Stagecraft, Gary wasn't there because of a field trip, so I just kinda hung out in the choir room. Those people are AMAAAAAAAAZING! I didn't know so many people could make karaoke not awkward. Rather, I didn't know so many people liked Bette Midler. Mr. Bridges thinks she is "Amaaaaaaaahzing!" (Like, "amazing", only better). And then I went to lunch.

Yay lunch! I had enough food for a whole day, imagine that, though my tummy still proceeded to grumble in English...Dang it. My friend Devin was sleeping under his jacket and then suddenly gasped. Apparently the sun was shining through the stitching on his jacket and looked like a planetarium. It was pretty nifty to look through. His girlfriend Hannah forced me to sit in the sun, but I didn't mind, since I got to talk to them a little more than usual...Even though the sun is evil (Hiss!).

Yeah, not much in English happened, Web Design...OH. MY. GOODNESS. Kyle/Stalker Man had brought in a hard drive to take apart and said I could have the gears that he found and the laser lens (YES!!!). He gave me the laser first so I could take it apart myself, which didn't go so well. Oh! Don't get me wrong. I got the lens out just fine, but there were wires on it so I tore them off...and then my fingers were all torn up and bleeding...So I went to the nurse to get many much band-aids. Mr. Lynch was kinda worried, but I'm okay, I promise. I'm used to it anyways.

Yeah, so now I has a laser! BWAHAHAHAHAA!! Ah, I forgot what led up to it, but we were talking about Mr. Lynch's adorable waifu, Sue (I call her "Suu", but she doesn't notice) and how his first marriage didn't work out. Then he told me not to start looking for spouses until I'm 25, because that's when guys split off into two groups:

1) The kind of guy who still parties, lives with his parents, and has a terrible job.

2) The kind of guy who decides to man up, get a good job, and matures.

He said I should shoot for the second one, though some guys may mature earlier than 25, but even so. What The Lynch says, goes. "Now that I've said it, it must be canon!!" Haha, I kid, Pita. Suddenly, a Wild Molly appeared and told me how cute I was (And then I felt even more girly...waaaaaaaaah!) and Mr. Lynch said that I looked cute everyday.

...But not to take it the wrong way. Oh you, Mr. Lynch, ohohohohoho!

So yeah, it was quite adventurous, though odd, and I wouldn't mind have such days in the future. It's sure better than the norm. "Normal"...What is normal anyway?

I hope you have happy times again at college! I have to study for two tests and do my whole PRP by the end of this week. Don't be too stressed...Haha.


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